Daily routines for success matter. A few simple strategies, in the kitchen, will keep you moving toward your health goals.
What daily routines for success can you already celebrate? Maybe launching yourself out of bed the moment you hear your alarm is your super strength. Or possibly guzzling a glass of water, after brushing your teeth, is the hydration habit you already have in place. Certainly, if you look closely at your day, you can identify at least three daily success routines that keep you moving toward your goals. Celebrate your success!
Let’s walk into your kitchen! How many daily routines for success do you already have in place amidst the cabinets, counters, and refrigerator? Most automatically assume meal prep is THE routine for success. However, meal prep is not the only routine that brings success to the kitchen.
This post is all about How to Create Daily Routines for Success in the Kitchen.
Make Your Movie
Whether you are aware of it or not, your mind creates a movie. Hence, the thoughts swirling about consciously and unconsciously become your life. And just like a movie director, if you do not like the “act” that is unfolding, you have the power to change it. You are in charge of the movie!
Michael Phelps’ Movie for Success
Charles Duhigg, the author of The Power of Habit (Random House, 2014), shares a powerful story about the Olympic superstar Michael Phelps. Phelps’ swimming coach told him to “watch the videotape” before falling asleep and when waking up. This videotape was Michael’s movie, in his mind, about the perfect race.
Phelps concentrated on his routine from the moment he walked into the locker room. Therefore, every day as he entered for practice, his movie became a reality. He knew what he would feel, what he would think, and how he would act.
What if you created a movie of the daily routines for success for your goal? Phelps would lie in bed, eyes shut, and see the tiniest details of his race, over and over. He knew each second. Could you lie in bed, eyes shut, and see the tiniest details of your healthiest day, over and over?
Daily Routines for Success
Because I work with women who want to feel their best and love the bodies they live in, throughout this post the goal will be – to eat three or more vegetables a day and drink half your body weight in fluid ounces of water. Using the routines listed below, could you create a movie?
1. Set Up Your Supplements
Everyone has an opinion about supplements. And everyone’s opinion is acceptable. For me, supplementation fills in the gaps. Because I primarily choose whole foods and clean proteins, I know my body most likely needs some extra support.
You might like – How to Create Monthly Routines for Success in the Kitchen – where I provide my “go-to” supplements.
Here are a few ideas to set up your supplements for the goal to eat three or more vegetables a day and drink more water:
- Place morning supplements in a single serving portion cup. I make a “vitamin chain” and line up five cups. I set up success for myself and my four children.
- If you are unable to “eat” three or more vegetables a day, find a protein shake with a full serving of vegetables or a “greens” drink. My favorites are Yoli Essential Shake and Lean Greens. (Learn more here.)
- Place evening supplements next to your toothbrush. Or fill up the week’s supplements in a pill box.
- Fill water bottles so you can grab and go and keep track of how much you have consumed.
2. Create a Simple Breakfast Routine
Busy women, busy lives, and simple breakfast routines are a must for daily success toward your health goal. Whether you intermittent fast, follow a low-carb lifestyle, or focus on whole foods, how you break your “fast” is important for revving your engine for the day.
Most importantly, never underestimate the power of repeating your favorites. Pick your favorite protein: eggs, protein powder, nuts, or nut butter. Then, add to it! Want to start your day ahead of the vegetable game? Add a vegetable to your simple breakfast routine.
Here are a few simple breakfast ideas for the goal to eat three or more vegetables a day and drink more water:
- Warm Almond Milk + Chocolate YES = Hot Cocoa style protein shake, 2 superhero muffins – Women’s Running shares Shalene Flanagan’s & Elyse Kopecky’s recipe
- Fruit Smoothie – frozen berries, spinach, almond milk, Vanilla YES, fresh ginger, cinnamon
- Protein shake, celery, and nut butter
- 2 eggs, a slice of toast, and avocado
3. Boost Your Veggie Intake
How to Create Weekly Routines for Success in the Kitchen provides simple ideas for boosting your vegetable intake. Most days, I have met the goal of three vegetables before dinnertime! How? Fortunately, I have created a daily success routine of including a vegetable with every breakfast and include a minimum of two veggies with lunch!
You are creative! You can do it too! Remember, use your mind to create the movie of munching vegetables!
Here are a few ideas to boost your veggie intake for the goal to eat three or more vegetables a day and drink more water:
- Throw some greens in your morning smoothie or eat a side of vegetables with your eggs
- Grab two “prepped” veggies to eat with crackers and cheese for lunch (like cucumbers and peppers)
- Pack single serving hummus with snap peas and carrots for an afternoon snack
- Create a habit of including a salad with dinner plus a roasted vegetable
4. Create a Routine for Dinner Meal Prep
“I never have enough time!” “Picking something up on the way home is easier than being prepared!” “I don’t want to spend my Sundays in the kitchen!” As a result of saying these stories over and over, overwhelm quickly derails women from taking care of themselves.
My Dinner Prep Movie
Because I spend a little bit of time over the weekend, writing out my meal ideas, I am prepared for a weekly routine involving healthy eating.
First, I visualize the refrigerator and freezer doors open and feel the whoosh of cool air. With pencil in hand, my cells are dancing with creativity to meal plan.
Second, I feel my arm muscles tense up as I carry the groceries inside.
Last, during my lunch break, I daydream about my fantastic evening. My hands are grasping pans, slicing vegetables, and preparing the main dish. I imagine the smell of fresh garlic and ginger and see brightly colored fruits and vegetables, across my counter.
About 30-45 minutes before the dinner bell, I blast my favorite 80’s tunes and my meal prep movie goes live! Most days, it’s simple. Some days, it flops! As long as I have fun and keep practicing, I discover different ways to remain successful in my routines.
Here are a few ideas for dinner meal prep for the goal to eat three or more vegetables a day and drink more water:
- Pull out your protein from the freezer the night before, or first thing in the morning, and thaw in the refrigerator
- Cut the vegetables for your dinner plan, during lunch and throw in a ziplock bag with olive oil
- Make the dinner salad during your lunch hour
- Plan one crock pot meal a week
5. Clean-Up for Continued Daily Success
Every “eater” is part of the clean-up crew! Teaching everyone to be responsible in the kitchen is a life skill. Although, my teenagers may beg to differ! If you have a plate, bowl, etc., you must rinse it and place it in the dishwasher. And, all dinner guests clear one item from the table. At our house, the child in charge of the kitchen also washes the table.
While kids are doing their part, clean-up time is also an opportunity to portion leftovers for lunch. Furthermore, pull out the protein, from the freezer, for tomorrow. Now you are two steps ahead for a successful “tomorrow.” All of the little things add up to daily success in the kitchen.
To sum it up, daily routines for success in the kitchen are simple. Set up your supplements, repeat your breakfast routine, boost your vegetables, make a meal prep movie, and use your crew for quick clean-up. These strategies keep you moving forward toward your health goal.
This post was all about How to Create Daily Routines for Success in the Kitchen.
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